making presents..

There really is nothing as special as home-made presents – made with love, thoughtfulness and those little details that make the difference….

My little niece made this bag last weekend for her best friend’s birthday – wonderful fabric and trim from The Makery, a zip recycled from one of my old dresses, some Japanese Worry Dolls wearing  vintage kimono fabric dresses from a Japanese friend,  and some badges made with scraps of carefully chosen magazine images – and a few hidden surprises inside ….. a happy afternoon making together and a happy birthday to come!

Family Days

A hand-made family day…

…having a nap wrapped in a warm, colourful hand-made blanket in the midst of family chatting and eating lunch!

Meanwhile – a hand-made present – drawing, cutting, stitching, making a bag to give …

We had been talking about sewing machines – along the lines of: ‘who showed you how to sew with a machine?’ … ‘ Ma did, my mother’ ….. ‘ who showed her how?’ … ‘ Nana, her mother, my grandmother’ … and so on and sew on….! Handing on these skills, the love of making and remembering – all so precious….