So why?

So many images to share..

the meditation piece I worked on from a scaffold at Walcot Chapel in September

the mandalas in chalk on the Chapel floor

So why the silence especially when I wish to share? I shall during November, but first this…

Knitting – that’s why… 3 intense bereavements in one year, and I have returned to regular, rhythmic, repetitive knitting alongside my other work. The colours of yarn, the texture of wool, an emerging structure or form. It has woven into the pattern of my days – special time which balances me, holds me together.

I find the constant counting patterns very supportive – I need to focus, to concentrate exclusively and this then, is for me like a counted meditation. No other thoughts can be held in my mind at the same time – my thoughts cannot wander for those precious moments. And look what flows from my hands! This for me is healing and the focus then continues into the day… The mistakes remind me when I lose concentration, and the fixing of these brings some measured self belief ..



A lace pattern shawl – this is the cast off picot edge – and for lace knitting SUCH concentration was needed! I made this for my beloved niece. I have one too and the lace part has some mistakes – I kept these in – they reflect my mind at the time!









Yoga socks next – and a first attempt at my own pattern. I wanted these to be snug and fit another dearly loved one in my family who gives healing aromatherapy massages and teaches yoga in a yurt.. they winged their way this weekend.

And these….

imageThe shawl pattern is Nurmilintu by Heidi Alander and the socks are Hermione’s Everyday Socks by Erica Lueder







the joy of making…

this one – for the joy of making….

susi-tea cosyI spied a beautiful tea cosy on display in a favourite shop – Marmalade Yarns in Frome  and thought of how my mother in law would love one! The pattern is from them, and for the crochet daffodils I went to Attic 24 – my grateful thanks to both!

susi_tea cosy 3This was such a relaxing pleasure to make and has given joy too – a small springtime offering


Pom Pom Tree

Just finished this today! Wrapping a Pom Pom Tree – So exciting – a real first so a bit glitchy but hey – what a learning curve and that is so creative!!  Have put in into the Pairings II Video Open see here

Credits to Alison Harper, Jane Barker, Victoria Carpenter and Susi Bancroft and thanks to Tim Martin at the Brewhouse, Taunton where the TFSW Exhibition Mapping the Future: Where Are You Now has just closed.


Something special: a newborn baby. As this baby’s mother was preparing to give birth I wanted to be making – making, thinking, linking with my friend. The calm, meditative repetition, the gentle focus.

An opportunity to collaborate with another friend too – Alison Harper, another Brunel Broderer. I made the granny squares (first ever, slightly awry, combining colour and shape as I went along) and Alison pieced them all beautifully together, adding decorative borders too!

Wrapping a baby – welcoming, protecting, warming…

Pom poms feature in some current work of Alison’s – have a look at this post and others about the power of a simple textile skill to brighten lives.

Wonderful wool from Wool, Bath

Oh – and glimpses of my mother’s tapestry cushions too!

Handing on

My Mother knitted. One of the earliest sounds I remember is that of her knitting needles. She knitted clothes for me to dress my dolls as well as clothing for us. A knitted vest was to keep my favourite doll warm and cosy.

In 2010 for the Brunel Broderers exhibition “Curious Drawers”  I worked on a ‘small intimate collection of hand-made items from four generations of family – precious treasures made for each other and displayed in an old jeweller’s cabinet of drawers. I produced my own stitched response to each one. Hand-made, handled with care’.

The exhibition was part of the 2010 Stroud International Textile Festival

I blogged about it on the BB blog here