winged things earlier this summer

Heart Space Studios

A frivolous and fun flight of fancy!
Winged Things – inspired by my delight in watching dragonflies in flight whilst walking by the river. From pale green delicate ethereal things, to flashes of bright iridescent colours skimming the water, I caught my breath watching them.
These creatures are an interpretation, a play on ideas. My mind wandered around the real as well as imaginary – the beauty of nature and the fantasy of invented things with wings – from fairies to surreal stinging insects!
These may hang indoors or outdoors – catching light and breeze and hopefully raising a smile!

Made on the sewing machine from wire wrapped in glittery metallic thread with seed beads I pre threaded on the wire – a somewhat exciting technique which requires some nerve!
The insects were then created by me ‘winging’ the shape and ideas – every one is unique
